After a long day of handling an assortment of problems and tasks, I found myself wandering the aisles of the supermarket just before it was about to close. I placed the articles on the conveyor belt..and noticed the cashier ...."Hi!" she said with a big smile..."find everything you want?".....I politely nodded back at her..... She quickly rang up and bagged the few items...and smiling she said.."have a nice night". I smiled back at her refreshing politeness.
As I walked back to my car I mused.........a smile, a kind word, a small gesture that breaks the icyness that this world creates.....My! How lifes smallest gestures can make the biggest impressions! This brief encounter with a store cashier, had placed a new twist on an otherwise difficult day.
So to all of you who have a smile to give.......and a kind word to spare....spead em never know whose day you will make!
Smiling........Marc :)
I had the nicest person wait on me at the deli counter today! And you're right - it only takes one smile to change a day :-) -Kelly
Isn't it nice to see a smile? Sometimes it is enough to make your day... particularly if your day hasn't been so nice!
I like to be the first one to say hello or smile at someone...especially if I can see they are the "grump" I want to see if I can change their attitude. It's a fun challenge!
that is so true!! and its always special to find someone that can actually see that!
LOVELOVELOVE this! This is ME! This is EXACTLY how I see/feel...spread it. ;) C.
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