The newspapers are loaded with the back to school advertisements. As the school bells ring they signal not only the start of a new school year, but they signal the end of summer.
The first day of school was always exciting. It was a time to take the new sneakers out of the box, to sport a new outfit and the new lunch box! The first day was all about introductions. The teacher introducing herself, her expectations and her groundwork which had to be followed. It was a time to introduce yourself to your new classmates. In each new grade, the same exercise was imposed upon us by the teacher. "I want you to stand up, introduce yourself and tell the class briefly what you did this summer"
There was one year, many years ago, that I couldn't wait to stand up and boast to my friends about my summer! I took a deep breath, "My name is Marc and this summer I visited my family in Los Angeles. I went to 5 Dodger games, saw Sandy Koufax pitch a no-hitter, went to Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm. Spent a lot of time at Santa Monica beach,learned how to body surf on big waves. I went to Carmel California where I visited the Hearst Castle. Went to a drive in movie theater a few times. Visited the production lot of Twentieth Century Fox and saw them film the TV shows "WagonTrain" & "The Lucille Ball Show". Had lunch in the commisary and Rock Hudson was sitting at the table next to mine! Flew in a big jet, and that was my summer!
I remember getting my share of attention from the girls at the mention of Rock Hudsons name. It was resonated like Pavlovs theory. I employed it often.
One thought provocation often leads to another, my mind has intervened and asked me point blank.."O.K. Marc, please stand up and tell the class what you have done in the summer of 2008"
(kness cracking as I slowing rise).... I purchased a Blackberry, Also purchased a compact car that gets over 30 miles to to the gallon. Had my first MRI, a hearing exam which revealed a hearing loss,. Got new glasses, stronger prescription, switched to decaffinated coffee. Between the blistering heat and smoke from summer fires and the soaring gas prices, spent quality time indoors. Painting doors, rearranging the pantry and closets.Dropped the Blackberry in the toilet. Went to a ballgame,caught the same fish twice in the same day! (I guess even fish can get bored). Scheduled a colonoscopy.
WHAT???? "I can't believe this" I murmed to myself. "I want to be 12 again!!".
There are pills, longevity diet plans, elixers, etc that all promise the "Fountain Of Youth". Nothing can turn back the hands of nothing. The worst part about growing older is when you feel older.While there isn't a cure for aging,there is something that keeps the spirit vital and vibrant. The walk down the road of time should always be with chin up and the world in view.
This is best achieved with a simple dance, so if any of you ladies care to join in, my good friend Frank will serenade us while we slowly dance....
by the way,,,did I ever tell you that I once sat next to Rock Hudson?
...on 3 Frank..."1,2,3"
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you
If you're young at heart
For its hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind
If youre young at heart
You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on its way
Dont you know that its worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are, its much better by far
To be young at heart
And if you should survive to 105
Look at all youll derive out of being alive
Then here is the best part
You have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart.
May your summer days be filled with dreams that will bring you warmth for years to come!...and may you stay, Young at heart!!!
~~~Marc :)
I swear Marc...your entries are some of my very favorite entries ever. I truly mean that. Your writing always touches me somehow.
I love the way you described the bittersweet of growing up. But remember, "You never grow're only old if you stop growing".
Peace my friend,
I enjoyed your entry. I haven't thought of the beginning of the school year being about me for so long.... it was a nice journey. By the way, you certainly had a wonderful time when you were a kid... I mostly stayed home or just went to play in the park or got to go to a few ball games... not major league either, My Dad was a softball umpire.... ah, memories
Ditto what the others for me, I most enjoyed our dance ;)
What a great entry... I loved it!! When I was a kid, we always LEFT Los Angeles to go to the DESERT (Tucson)... I loved visiting family, but never had anything good to talk about in the classroom introductions... LOL!!
wonderful entry Marc. It is an uphill battle to age with grace, my Dad is going to be 92 next month, was always a strong man. He just gave up driving but he wants to remain independant till he crosses. He enjoys telling stories of his youth and I've been trying to record, Sandi
Ahhh, my dear friend....I think we've both been drinking from the same fountain as of late. My 43rd Birthday heralded in with the news of Bifocals and my first ever Echo and Pulmonary test. Echo showed a wonderfully strong heart, the pulmonary showed the effects of smoking for 26 years. Yes, to be young again and a bit more on the intelligent side when it comes to our health. I already told Paul(Doc) that I aiming to live to be a 100 or better. Having said that I'm still relatively young *winks*...Once again a wonderful, insightful entry. (Hugs)Indigo
May I cut in here, I'd like the next dance please!
Always great to hear from you Marc!
Martha :-)
For all who say age is "just a number"...I wonder how long it takes them to unfold out of bed, remember to put one foot down, then the other, find the way to the bathroom (cuz you really gotta go!), find the spectacles on the night stand (or remember where you put them!), try to prioritize the day, then do as much as you can before a nap at 11 am. I've felt the passage of time, too, and its not as bad as it could be. Yes, my knees creak more, gotta watch what I eat, lest those pesky 5 lbs keep coming back...but I don't, mentally, feel my age. I hope I never do!
xoxo ~Myra
Hey Marc,
I would say that your youthful recollection sounded like the very best of summers. And your description of this past summer sounded waaay too familiar ! This past year has caused me to really feel my age, and I am working very hard to turn that around ( there's an explanation for this .... a rather long one, which I hope to relate in a return to my journal.) Hope all is well, my friend. Love to you, Tina
Hey Marc, Where are YOU!!!!???? Post an entry, already!!! LOL!!! Hope all is well with you!!!
Well, it's nice to see you blogging again! Were you on sabbatical or something????
Ahhhhhhhhh to be young again.....Ü
I can totally relate to this one.
Oh Marc, you can even make this aging thing that's happening to me feel like it's not so bad. My mantra will now be "young at heart, young at heart, I am eternaly young at heart". Thanks you. Melissa (Lissamom2)
Marc, if there is anyone I know who will always be young at heart, it's you! You will be forever young at heart because you love life and know how to stop and smell the roses. Oh, if everyone could have your outlook! I'll forever be a huge gan!
Enjoyed the dance!!
This was a wonderful entry. Thank you.
This is my first time reading your blog.You brought me back to six grade.Havent thought of that in years,Stop by my blog sometime.johnsworld08.Oh and keep on dancing.
Mr. Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) and creator of the twelve-step program. Mr. Wilson was heavily influenced by demons.
Chapter sixteen (p. 275f) of 'Pass It On' The Story of Bill Wilson and how the A.A. message reached the world records Mr. Wilson's use of the ouija board, participation in séances, psychic events, "spook sessions", table levitation, and how he would receive "messages" from "discarnate" spirits.
Bill Wilson was clearly in contact with demons, and this is the man who created the deceptive twelve-step program.
Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him. (Step #11.) The last part of this statement ("as we understood Him") is enough to damn your soul! God says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5).
This is the exact opposite of "God as we understood Him." All men, according to Romans 1:18-32, are condemned before God, because they rely upon their own understanding (Romans 1:21; Ephesians 4:18, "having their understanding darkened"), and they create (in their own darkened minds) a god of their own making (Romans 1:23).
To encourage people to turn their "lives over to the care of God as we understood Him", is to encourage people to "turn their lives over to a god of their own making" (i.e. according to their own understanding).
This promotes nothing more than spiritual death (Revelation 22:15). In addition, these twelve steps are a deceitful attack against the saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ (i.e. they are against Christ, anti-Christ, 2 John 7; Colossians 2:8-10).
The twelve steps are (as Mr. Wilson used them) given as an answer (a way) in which one can overcome sin (with Mr. Wilson's case, the sin of drunkenness).
Jesus Christ is the ONLY answer for sin. He is the only way (John 14:6). There is only ONE "step", and that is faith in the Saviour (Ephesians 2:8/Matthew1:21/John 8:36/Romans10: 13!
The above exemplifies the "twelve steps" are what are used to "become free from addictive, compulsive" behaviour (i.e. sin). In other words, the twelve steps are the saviour!
No doubt it is deceptive, because "Biblical principles" are interwoven throughout; but if they weren't, few (if any) would be deceived. One good question to ask would be, "Where does Scripture talk about any 'twelve steps'"? The answer? Nowhere!
These twelve steps come from Satan (via Bill Wilson), who is the master deceiver (Revelation 12:9). Remember, SATAN. used Scripture to tempt Christ (Matthew 4:6), and Balaam spoke much truth (Numbers 23-24); but he was a false prophet (2 Peter 2:15-16/Numbers 22).
In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus warned, Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Jesus likewise warned in Luke 13:24, Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
I absolutely LOVE that post!
Gosh... now I'm going to have to write one entitled, "What I did last summer"....
Wow, that IS a great idea!
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