It was the end of a long day and all I needed for a final send off was a glass of milk. I opened the refrigerator and reached in for the milk conatiner which had just enough to lighten a cup of coffee. This reminded me to check the can of coffee, which had enough grinds to make a "two sips" worth! I began taking attendance, Juice also low, bread, two slices of which one was the end slice. I glanced at the clock, 10:30 PM, just enough time to make it to the supermarket and thwart what would become a dreadful morning.
I pulled in the parking lot, opened the car door and barely had the energy to get out of the car. "I should be crawling into bed" I muttered to myself. I pulled a shopping cart from the rack, and slowly made my way down the aisle. As I placed the carton of milk into the wagon I noticed a neatly folded piece of paper resting at the bottom. I lfted it up and unfolded it to its original 8 1/2"X 11" size. It was a shopping a list and the handwriting with its soft curves was undeniably, feminine. The list read, ....ground beef, bread crumbs, ketchup, milk, cookies, ice cream. Then in another column, away from this list, on the lower right hand side of the page was another short list,....Tampons, panty liners,douche, pamprin. In an instant, I could feel a tingling run down my spine. My mouth dropped and my eyes widened, and I stared at this list as if I had uncovered a map leading to a buried treasure. I whispered to myself, "I can't believe it, the answer was in front of me all the time,and I never noticed!"
Woman....Nourisher, sustainter, healer. She always places the needs of others ahead of her own. Of the two genders, she is more empathetic,and less selfish. She has been that way since the dawn of time. How was our Creator to know that he could trust one of genders to have such a power? In order to feel someone elses pain,one must feel it for themselves first. In order to comfort another before you even think of comforting yourself, one must feel its own discomfort first. In order to willingly give life to others, one must feel the preciousness of life from within. So, our Creator, with his subtle ways, created a time clock of discomfort and pain,which would serve as a reminder that one of the species would always be attentive, caring, loving to others. To provokea person in such a way they would INSTINCTIVELY always place the needs of others ahead of her own....and so, Woman was created!
I folded the list and placed it back in the wagon. I had come for a carton of milk , juice and coffee and came away with a new persepective, another piece of the puzzle.
Bob Dylan wrote, "The answer my friend is blowing in the wind". No words resonate with more truth....the answers are as close to us as the wind is to our faces! All we need to do do is stop and feel it!
"The List" A simple little trip to the supermarket has given you new insight~ Ü
Amazing how we learn from every little thing in our everyday experiences.
You will find a lesson in everything!
That's deep. Now that I think about it, I've done the same thing. I make my list of everyone's needs and add my own at the end of it. Looking back over the years, of course, everything in the beginning of the list was gotten and sometimes the money ran out before I got to the end of my list. But I always thought hey I got the important things...I agree with you about your observations...good, Sandi
How beautiful! I actually feel more appreciated, and a more feminine woman due to your writing. I thank you.
Sometimes I don't get to your entries right away.....There is a reason believe it or not. I know without a doubt whatever you have written is going to leave me feeling good for a long time to come. So in some subconscious way, I read through a few dozen other journal entries and then come here.....It works every time I'm recharged and ready to be kinder, more thoughtful and insightful toward others.
Your ability to find insight in the mundane everyday things around us, inspires me to do the same. Life is such a delicate balance.....You my friend manage to keep it on the lighter side of good, with a touch of beauty and elegance mixed in for good measure. (Hugs) Indigo
I too, am so very touched by your entries. If only all men were as sensitive as you the world would be a much nicer place! Perhaps your calling is to teach Parenting classes geared toward creating more men like you! ;) God bless you.
As always, profound! What an a-ha moment :)
xoxo ~Myra
Aha! I can see the lists ... two on a page ...separated ... and I can make the connection to how you came out with a new, different perspective ...
Your wife truly received a treasure when she married you. You are always a "nice read". I think you make a lot of women smile knowing that men can truly be sensitive, even though they don't like to admit it. If we could only get them to express their thoughts like you do. I have a treasure too, he just doesn't know how to express his thoughts in words (his actions speak louder than words). I think I'll keep him. <smile>
I'll be honest, I would think, and perhaps I am wrong, most Men would take one look at that list, realize what was implied at the bottom and first flush red with horror, then throw the offending list down. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
And second, I think it's a profound sentiment on your part that you were able to see such a connection of the female role and world on your path through a supermarket.
Life is in the details, and you my friend are very wise to notice.
Congrats on being a guest editor's pick! -Dawn-
Beautiful entry as always Marc and congrats on being one of the guest editor picks this week! Hugs, Martha :-)
Hello I stopped by to say Congratulation's on being chosen as Guest Editor's Pick. What a beautiful entry. You got us women sussed! ;-) Love Pam xx
So THAT'S why I suffer each month, hmm? lol
This was a very nice entry and I enjoyed reading it. I stopped by to say congrats on being a guest editor's pick. Your journal is new to me, but I would like to put you on my alerts now and give you a read now and then.
Thank you for your insightfull comment on my blog. in rhe past i have felt that my readers, my friends, have held back in their comments for fear of hurting my feelings. lol I know that i can seem to be really 'out there'.I write from my heart . God has given me a new heart. So i embark on this new adventure, to discover His will for me whatever that may be. again , thank you for stopping by!
That is a beautiful entry thank you
I agree wholeheartedly with this. The world would be such a peaceful place if we quit fighting what we are and just accept the fact that we were created with a specific and perfect purpose in mind. The genders should never compete. We are not equals... You cannot compare apples to oranges. You can make a great fruit salad though...LOL
I've missed reading your journal and this entry is just one of the reasons why that is so. To say that you have a gift would be a huge understatement. Please write a book!!!
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